Making Tax Digital (MTD) is HMRC’s switch from online filing of HMRC’s fiscal reporting to a direct interface from your Accounting system to the HMRC portal. This spells the end to any manually entered keyed in data.

It is mandatory for all UK VAT registered businesses to report their VAT obligations to HMRC by the way of Making Tax Digital by April 2019.

The MTD VAT interface needs to conform to HMRC’s approved XML Schema using OAuth2, rest based API and JSON.

Infor System 21 Aurora user sites need to act now to ensure that they meet the HMRC deadline of April 2019.

Here at Total-e-Solutions we have created an Infor System 21 Aurora MTD module that will allow you to send your VAT returns to HMRC via an approved HMRC Gateway.

Our MTD module for Infor System 21 Aurora users integrates directly with your General Ledger transaction file (FLP008) and your VAT transaction file FLPUK4. It has the functionality to extract from multiple companies, multiple environments and from alternative ERP’s.

The Total-e-Solutions Infor System 21 Aurora MTD module integrates to HMRC’s using their approved XML Schema and Business Rules.


Our MTD module includes…

  1. Built in HMRC pre-requisite maintenance features.
  2. Microsoft Excel extraction for month end reconciliation.
  3. Import from alternative ERP’s such as SAP, Microsoft Dynamics, Oracle.
  4. VAT Consolidation and Submission direct from Infor System 21 Aurora
  5. Transmission to the HMRC gateway adopting OAuth2, Rest-based API and JSON to ensure successful, secure and seamless integration.
  6. Generates your MTD Vat Digital Certificate


HMRC pre-requisite maintenance features.

Define EC Countries

This maintenance option is required to flag EC member states, so EC purchase, and acquisition goods can be reported in your MTD VAT return. Please note: Country codes are refreshed from the GL parameters file GLPARMS.

Defined IFS Directories

This maintenance option is used to create and maintain IFS directory paths for HMRC file transmission, the VAT reconcilation download and to import VAT returns from alternative ERP accounting systems.

VAT Company Maintenance

This feature is required to enrol VAT registered System 21 Aurora companies and their corresponding iSeries library and file locations to the MTD module. Please note: the period flag set to G will use the GL period to extract your VAT returns, conversely the period flag set to V will use the VAT period defined within your VAT calendar. Additional information such as the traders email address used for the HMRC VAT transmission are also maintained within this function.

Microsoft Excel extraction for VAT reconciliation.

Enter the two and from periods for your VAT return. Upon submission your VAT transactions will be extracted to Microsoft excel for reconciliation. Please note: VAT transactions will be extracted from your GL transaction file FLP008 or your VAT transaction File FLPUK4.

Import from alternative ERP’s such as SAP, Microsoft Dynamics, Oracle

This function uplifts a pre-defined excel or CSV template VAT reruns to the MTD database. This is required if corporate subsidiaries are held in alternative ERP accounting packages.

VAT Consolidation and Submission direct from Infor System 21 Aurora

This facility is used to submit VAT returns to the HMRC gateway. Please note VAT returns, including those uploaded from alternative ERP accounting packages will be consolidated and summarised by each VAT entity. VAT returns can be enquired upon prior to submission to the HMRC Gateway.


Contact Jon or Nigel on 01924 480798