5th December 2012TES GOES LIVE WITH ENHANCED SHIPPING SYSTEMTotal e-Solutions Consulting goes live with its Enhanced Shipping System for a large shipping organisation in…Read More
5th November 2012TES WINS ENHANCED JBA SYSTEM 21 SUPPORT CONTRACTTotal e-Solutions Consulting awarded enhanced JBA System 21 support contract for a large multi-national conglomerate. As…Read More
11th October 2012TOTAL E-SOLUTIONS STREAMLINE TRIMAS MANAGEMENT REPORTINGTrimas, a multinational group employing approximately 3,900 employees at over 60 different facilities in 11 countries,…Read More
5th October 2012TOTAL E-SOLUTIONS IMPLEMENTS SATELLITE PURCHASE ANALYSIS SYSTEMTotal e-Solutions Consulting is chosen to implement its satellite Purchase Analysis System for a leading Birmingham…Read More
28th September 2012TOTAL E-SOLUTIONS MOVE HEAD OFFICETo accommodate our ever increasing workforce at Total e Solutions we have moved our head office…Read More
10th September 2012MODERN-I PRODUCT SALE TO MAJOR FOOD INDUSTRY BUSINESSOne of the UK’s leading suppliers of seafood products and the industry’s largest importer of frozen…Read More